
Sistema de equações lineares - Matemática

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 * Solution of systems of linear equations over the integers
 * Author: Howard Cheng
 * Reference:
 *  K.O. Geddes, S.R. Czapor, G. Labahn.  "Algorithms for Computer Algebra."
 *    Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, pages 393-399.  ISBN 0-7923-9259-0
 * The routine fflinsolve solves the system Ax = b where A is an n x n matrix
 * of integers and b is an n-dimensional vector of integers. The algorithm
 * used is fraction-free Gaussian elimination with backsolving.
 * The inputs to fflinsolve are the matrix A, the dimension n, and an
 * output array to store the solution x_star = det(A)*x.  The function
 * also returns the det(A).  In the case that det(A) = 0, the solution
 * vector is undefined. Current printf's tell you whether matrices are
 * singular due to the system being inconsistent or having multiple
 * solutions, though you can easily return this info instead.
 * Note that the matrix A and b may be modified.
 * Date added: 27 August 1999
 * Revised: 2 March 2000 by Richard Krueger <richard@cs.ualberta.ca>
 *   - Fixed labelling for output of solution x vector = x_star/det(A)
 * Revised: 14 June 2000 by Howard Cheng <hchcheng@scg.math.uwaterloo.ca>
 *   - Added printf's to describe inconsistent and underconstrained
 *   singular matrices

#include <stdio.h>

#define MAX_N 10

int fflinsolve(int A[MAX_N][MAX_N], int b[MAX_N], int x_star[MAX_N], int n)
  int sign, d, i, j, k, k_c, k_r, pivot, t;

  sign = d = 1;

  for (k_c = k_r = 0; k_c < n; k_c++) {
    /* eliminate column k)c */
    /* find nonzero pivot */
    for (pivot = k_r; pivot < n && !A[pivot][k_r]; pivot++)
    if (pivot < n) {
      /* swap rows pivot and k_r */
      if (pivot != k_r) {
    for (j = k_c; j < n; j++) {
      t = A[pivot][j];
      A[pivot][j] = A[k_r][j];
      A[k_r][j] = t;
    t = b[pivot];
    b[pivot] = b[k_r];
    b[k_r] = t;

    sign *= -1;

      /* do elimination */
      for (i = k_r+1; i < n; i++) {
    for (j = k_c+1; j < n; j++) {
      A[i][j] = (A[k_r][k_c]*A[i][j]-A[i][k_c]*A[k_r][j])/d;
    b[i] = (A[k_r][k_c]*b[i]-A[i][k_c]*b[k_r])/d;
    A[i][k_c] = 0;
      if (d) {
    d = A[k_r][k_c];
    } else {
      /* entire column is 0, det(A) = 0 */
      d = 0;

  if (!d) {
    for (k = k_r; k < n; k++) {
      if (b[k]) {
    /* inconsistent system */
    printf("Inconsistent system.\n");
    return 0;
    /* multiple solutions */
    printf("More than one solution.\n");
    return 0;

  /* now backsolve */
  for (k = n-1; k >= 0; k--) {
    x_star[k] = sign*d*b[k];
    for (j = k+1; j < n; j++) {
      x_star[k] -= A[k][j]*x_star[j];
    x_star[k] /= A[k][k];

  return sign*d;

int main(void)
  int A[MAX_N][MAX_N], x_star[MAX_N], b[MAX_N];
  int n, i, j;
  int det;

  while (scanf("%d", &n) == 1 && 0 < n && n <= MAX_N) {
    printf("Enter A:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
    scanf("%d", &(A[i][j]));
    printf("Enter b:\n");
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
      scanf("%d", &(b[i]));
    det = fflinsolve(A, b, x_star, n);
    if (det) {
      printf("det = %d\n", det);
      printf("x_star = x*det = ");
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    printf("%d ", x_star[i]);
      printf("x = ");
      for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    printf("%f ", 1.0*x_star[i]/det);
    } else {
      printf("A is singular\n");
  return 0;

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