
Implementação do sample sort em C utilizando MPI - Estrutura de dados

0 Curtidas
     Objective      : To sort unsorted integers by sample sort algorithm 
                      Write a MPI program to sort n integers, using sample
                      sort algorithm on a p processor of PARAM 10000. 
                      Assume n is multiple of p. Sorting is defined as the
                      task of arranging an unordered collection of elements
                      into monotonically increasing (or decreasing) order. 

                      postcds: array[] is sorted in ascending order ANSI C 
                      provides a quicksort function called qsort(). Its 
                      function prototype is in the standard header file

     Description    : 1. Partitioning of the input data and local sort :

                      The first step of sample sort is to partition the data.
                      Initially, each one of the p processors stores n/p
                      elements of the sequence of the elements to be sorted.
                      Let Ai be the sequence stored at processor Pi. In the
                      first phase each processor sorts the local n/p elements
                      using a serial sorting algorithm. (You can use C 
                      library qsort() for performing this local sort).

                      2. Choosing the Splitters : 

                      The second phase of the algorithm determines the p-1
                      splitter elements S. This is done as follows. Each 
                      processor Pi selects p-1 equally spaced elements from
                      the locally sorted sequence Ai. These p-1 elements
                      from these p(p-1) elements are selected to be the

                      3. Completing the sort :

                      In the third phase, each processor Pi uses the splitters 
                      to partition the local sequence Ai into p subsequences
                      Ai,j such that for 0 <=j

#include "mpi.h"

#define SIZE 10

/**** Function Declaration Section ****/

static int intcompare(const void *i, const void *j)
  if ((*(int *)i) > (*(int *)j))
    return (1);
  if ((*(int *)i) < (*(int *)j))
    return (-1);
  return (0);

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  /* Variable Declarations */

  int          Numprocs,MyRank, Root = 0;
  int          i,j,k, NoofElements, NoofElements_Bloc,
  int          count, temp;
  int          *Input, *InputData;
  int          *Splitter, *AllSplitter;
  int          *Buckets, *BucketBuffer, *LocalBucket;
  int          *OutputBuffer, *Output;
  FILE          *InputFile, *fp;
  MPI_Status  status; 

  /**** Initialising ****/

  MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
  MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &Numprocs);
  MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &MyRank);

  if(argc != 2) {
      if(MyRank ==0) printf(" Usage : run size\n");

  /**** Reading Input ****/

  if (MyRank == Root){

    NoofElements = atoi(argv[1]);
    Input = (int *) malloc (NoofElements*sizeof(int));
     if(Input == NULL) {
        printf("Error : Can not allocate memory \n");

  /* Initialise random number generator  */ 
  printf ( "Input Array for Sorting \n\n ");
    srand48((unsigned int)NoofElements);
     for(i=0; i< NoofElements; i++) {
       Input[i] = rand();
       printf ("%d   ",Input[i]);
  printf ( "\n\n ");

  /**** Sending Data ****/
  MPI_Bcast (&NoofElements, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
  if(( NoofElements % Numprocs) != 0){
        if(MyRank == Root)
        printf("Number of Elements are not divisible by Numprocs \n");

  NoofElements_Bloc = NoofElements / Numprocs;
  InputData = (int *) malloc (NoofElements_Bloc * sizeof (int));

  MPI_Scatter(Input, NoofElements_Bloc, MPI_INT, InputData, 
                  NoofElements_Bloc, MPI_INT, Root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /**** Sorting Locally ****/
  qsort ((char *) InputData, NoofElements_Bloc, sizeof(int), intcompare);

  /**** Choosing Local Splitters ****/
  Splitter = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (Numprocs-1));
  for (i=0; i< (Numprocs-1); i++){
        Splitter[i] = InputData[NoofElements/(Numprocs*Numprocs) * (i+1)];

  /**** Gathering Local Splitters at Root ****/
  AllSplitter = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * Numprocs * (Numprocs-1));
  MPI_Gather (Splitter, Numprocs-1, MPI_INT, AllSplitter, Numprocs-1, 
                  MPI_INT, Root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /**** Choosing Global Splitters ****/
  if (MyRank == Root){
    qsort ((char *) AllSplitter, Numprocs*(Numprocs-1), sizeof(int), intcompare);

    for (i=0; i<Numprocs-1; i++)
      Splitter[i] = AllSplitter[(Numprocs-1)*(i+1)];

  /**** Broadcasting Global Splitters ****/
  MPI_Bcast (Splitter, Numprocs-1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /**** Creating Numprocs Buckets locally ****/
  Buckets = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (NoofElements + Numprocs));

  j = 0;
  k = 1;

  for (i=0; i<NoofElements_Bloc; i++){
    if(j < (Numprocs-1)){
       if (InputData[i] < Splitter[j]) 
             Buckets[((NoofElements_Bloc + 1) * j) + k++] = InputData[i]; 
           Buckets[(NoofElements_Bloc + 1) * j] = k-1;
       Buckets[((NoofElements_Bloc + 1) * j) + k++] = InputData[i];
  Buckets[(NoofElements_Bloc + 1) * j] = k - 1;

  /**** Sending buckets to respective processors ****/

  BucketBuffer = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * (NoofElements + Numprocs));

  MPI_Alltoall (Buckets, NoofElements_Bloc + 1, MPI_INT, BucketBuffer, 
                     NoofElements_Bloc + 1, MPI_INT, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /**** Rearranging BucketBuffer ****/
  LocalBucket = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * 2 * NoofElements / Numprocs);

  count = 1;

  for (j=0; j<Numprocs; j++) {
  k = 1;
    for (i=0; i<BucketBuffer[(NoofElements/Numprocs + 1) * j]; i++) 
      LocalBucket[count++] = BucketBuffer[(NoofElements/Numprocs + 1) * j + k++];
  LocalBucket[0] = count-1;

  /**** Sorting Local Buckets using Bubble Sort ****/
  /*qsort ((char *) InputData, NoofElements_Bloc, sizeof(int), intcompare); */

  NoElementsToSort = LocalBucket[0];
  qsort ((char *) &LocalBucket[1], NoElementsToSort, sizeof(int), intcompare); 

  /**** Gathering sorted sub blocks at root ****/
  if(MyRank == Root) {
          OutputBuffer = (int *) malloc (sizeof(int) * 2 * NoofElements);
          Output = (int *) malloc (sizeof (int) * NoofElements);

  MPI_Gather (LocalBucket, 2*NoofElements_Bloc, MPI_INT, OutputBuffer, 
                  2*NoofElements_Bloc, MPI_INT, Root, MPI_COMM_WORLD);

  /**** Rearranging output buffer ****/
    if (MyRank == Root){
        count = 0;
        for(j=0; j<Numprocs; j++){
          k = 1;
           for(i=0; i<OutputBuffer[(2 * NoofElements/Numprocs) * j]; i++) 
                 Output[count++] = OutputBuffer[(2*NoofElements/Numprocs) * j + k++];

 /**** Printng the output ****/
         if ((fp = fopen("sort.out", "w")) == NULL){
              printf("Can't Open Output File \n");

         fprintf (fp, "Number of Elements to be sorted : %d \n", NoofElements);
         printf ( "Number of Elements to be sorted : %d \n", NoofElements);
         fprintf (fp, "The sorted sequence is : \n");
     printf( "Sorted output sequence is\n\n");
         for (i=0; i<NoofElements; i++){
               fprintf(fp, "%d\n", Output[i]);
               printf( "%d   ", Output[i]);
     printf ( " \n " );
    }/* MyRank==0*/


    /**** Finalize ****/



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