* Max Flow in a directed graph
* Author: Matthew McNaughton <mcnaught@cs.ualberta.ca>
* Usage:
* The graph is the global head_t g[], which you must allocate, and
* initialize the elements to 0/NULL. Each graph node has a list of
* edge_t elements with the neighbour "v", the capacity "cap" along
* the edge, and "flow", which is the flow along the edge after
* maxflow() has finished.
* Add edges to the graph with graph_addedge( g, v, w, c ), meaning
* there is a directed edge from node v to node w with capacity
* c. Nodes are numbered by index in g[]. You must make sure that g[]
* is large enough, it is not resized automatically by maxflow() or
* support functions, in fact the graph utilities have no idea how
* large g[] is. Use graph_access(g, v, w) to get the edge_t* for the
* edge from v to w.
* maxflow(source, sink, N) computes and returns the maxflow through
* the graph from node source to node sink. N is the number of nodes
* in the global g[]. As a side effect maxflow() sets the global S[].
* S[i] == 1 if node i is on the source side of the min-cut, and S[i]
* == 0 if node i is on the sink side of the min-cut. Ie. any edge
* (i,j) with S[i] == 1 and S[j] == 0 is an edge of the min-cut.
* Date: April 1999-March 2000
* Added: 9 March 2000
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>
FILE *in, *out;
int s, a, b, source, sink;
typedef struct {
int v, cap, flow;
} edge_t;
typedef struct {
int n;
edge_t *l;
} head_t;
/* g[] is the capacity/flow graph. g[x] is the list of edges leaving x */
/* g[x].l[i] holds the neighbour, the capacity to it, and flow to it, from x */
head_t *g;
/* min-cut list. S[i] != 0 iff i is on the source side of the min-cut. */
int *S;
int min(int a, int b) { return a < b ? a : b; }
graph_free(head_t *g, int n) {
int i;
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
edge_t *
graph_access(head_t *g, int v, int w) {
int i;
for( i = 0; i < g[v].n; i++ ) {
if( g[v].l[i].v == w ) return &g[v].l[i];
/* if( g[v].l[i].v > w ) return NULL; */
return NULL;
/* add 0-capacity edge from v to w for neighbour information bfs in maxflow */
graph_add_dummy(head_t *g, int v, int w) {
edge_t *p; int j;
for( j = 0; j < g[v].n; j++ ) {
/* already have an edge */
if( g[v].l[j].v == w ) return;
g[v].l = realloc(g[v].l, (g[v].n+1)*sizeof(g[v].l[0]));
p = &g[v].l[ g[v].n ];
p->v = w;
p->cap = 0;
p->flow = 0;
edge_t *
graph_addedge(head_t *g, int v, int w, int cap) {
edge_t *p; int j;
for( j = 0; j < g[v].n; j++ ) {
if( g[v].l[j].v == w ) {
g[v].l[j].cap += cap;
/* edge in other direction has already been added. */
return & g[v].l[j];
g[v].l = realloc(g[v].l, (g[v].n+1)*sizeof(g[v].l[0]));
p = &g[v].l[ g[v].n ];
p->v = w;
p->cap = cap;
p->flow = 0;
graph_add_dummy(g, w, v);
return p;
/* See usage at top of file */
maxflow( int source, int sink, int N ) {
int flow, i, j, head, tail, v,w, inc;
int *queue, *pred, *maxcap;
edge_t *p, *e, *e1, *e2;
queue = malloc((N+1)* sizeof(queue[0]));
pred = malloc(N * sizeof(pred[0]));
maxcap= malloc(N * sizeof(maxcap[0]));
if( S ) free(S);
S = malloc(N * sizeof(S[0]));
/* initialize flows to 0 */
for( i = 0; i < N; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < g[i].n; j++ )
g[i].l[j].flow = 0;
flow = 0;
while(1) {
head = tail = 0;
for( i = 0; i < N; i++ ) S[i] = 0;
queue[tail++] = source; S[source] = 1;
while(head != tail) {
v = queue[head++];
if(v ==sink ) break;
/* for each neighbour */
for( j = 0; j < g[v].n; j ++ ) {
p = &g[v].l[j];
i = p->v;
if(S[i]) continue;
e = p;
if( e->cap && e->flow < e->cap ) {
S[i] = 1;
queue[tail++] = i; pred[i] = v;
maxcap[i] = e->cap - e->flow;
else {
/* need to look at edge going the other way. */
e = graph_access(g,i,v);
/* it may not exist */
if( e && e->cap && e->flow > 0 ) {
maxcap[i] = e->flow;
S[i] = 1;
queue[tail++] = i; pred[i] = v;
} /* bfs: while( head != tail) */
if( v != sink) {
break; /* return */
} else {
inc = INT_MAX;
v = sink;
while( v != source ) {
inc = min(inc, maxcap[v] );
v = pred[v];
flow += inc;
v = sink;
while(v != source) {
w = pred[v];
e1 = graph_access(g, w, v);
e2 = graph_access(g, v, w);
if( e1 && e1->cap ) {
e1->flow += inc;
else if( e2 && e2->cap ) {
e2->flow -= inc;
else assert(0);
if( e1 && e2 && e1->flow && e2->flow ) {
if( e1->flow > e2->flow ) {
e1->flow -= e2->flow;
e2->flow = 0;
else {
e2->flow -= e1->flow;
e1->flow = 0;
v = w;
free(queue); free(pred); free(maxcap);
return flow;
main() {
int n, i, j, v, w, c, source, sink, flow;
edge_t *e;
fscanf(stdin, "%d %d %d", &n, &source, &sink) ;
g = malloc( n * sizeof(g[0]));
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
g[i].n = 0; g[i].l = NULL;
while(fscanf(stdin, "%d %d %d", &v, &w, &c ) == 3 ) {
assert(v < n);
assert(w < n);
assert(c >= 0 );
graph_addedge(g, v, w, c);
flow = maxflow(source, sink, n);
fprintf(stdout, "Maxflow: %d\nMin-cut edges:\n", flow);
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
if( S[i] == 1 ) {
for( j = 0; j < g[i].n; j++ ) {
if( S[ g[i].l[j].v ] == 0 ) {
fprintf(stdout, " (%d -> %d)\n", i, g[i].l[j].v );
fprintf(stdout, "Flow values:\n");
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
for( j = 0; j < n; j++ ) {
if( (e = graph_access(g, i, j)) && e->flow ) {
fprintf(stdout, " (%d -> %d) : %d\n",
i, j, e->flow);
return 0;
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