
uCoder | 1344 | Nível: 3 | Tempo Limite: 2

Mean Median Problem

Adaptado por None

Competição: Maratona de Programação da SBC 2017 - Fase Nacional

The mean of three integers A, B and C is (A + B + C)/3. The median of three integers is the one that would be in the middle if they are sorted in non-decreasing order.
Write a program that, given two distinct integers A and B, determines the minimum possible integer C such that the mean and the median of A, B and C are equal.


The input consists of a single line that contains two integers A and B (1 ≤ A ≤ B ≤ 109).


Output a single line with the minimum possible integer C such that the mean and the median of A, B and C are equal.

Exemplo de Entrada Exemplo de Saída

1 1000000000



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